Solutions 4 Child Care - " Helping People Buy, Build, Improve and Sell Child Care Businesses". Since 1995, Donna Dailey, the founder of Solutions 4 Child Care, has worked closely with child care owners to increase revenues, decrease expenses, and in turn increase the profitability and value of their child care business.
In my 28 years of Child Care Business Mergers and Acquisitions, I have met and worked with thousands of child care business buyers. From the individual buyer looking to purchase their own child care business – to the business development officers making acquisitions for large regional and national child care chain operations You name it,…
Whether you plan to sell your child care business soon or years from now, it is important to ensure you prepare your business for sale. These steps can be implemented in any order, and depending on your desired timeline for exiting your business, it can take months to as little as a few weeks. Get…
All child care business owners should aim to increase profits and business value. Your child care business is likely your largest investment and a substantial portion of your net worth. Therefore, you must actively manage your business profits to protect the value of your child care business. Unfortunately, most child care owners struggle with increasing…
This is the question that child care owners asked just after, “What is my child care business worth?” Commonly, the real estate – land and building associated with a child care business is often more valuable than the child care business. This is due to the high cost of land and the cost to construct…
One of the most frequent questions I have been asked over the last two years is – “How do buyers look at grant funds and business value.” The answer – it depends. Grant funds are like all other funds that are non-recurring funds. Whether it is a one-time “grant fund” for things like PPE (personal…